Everything we have achieved over the years is aimed at conscious use of resources and reduction of waste. All the energy we use in the cellar and in the farmhouse comes from our photovoltaic panels which are located both on the roof of the main structure and on the tasting room for around 10 KW in total.
The hot water is produced by solar thermal panels, when working the land we reduce the use of mechanical means to a minimum and obviously all our crops are conducted in a certified organic manner.
Our effort is always maximum, so we decided to take another step in favor of the environment, the capsule in wine is only an aesthetic issue, which you can easily do without, with the advantage of showing which cork the wine is closed with and which cork…., we use a closure Ardea Seal very high technology with a wonderful design that we can match to the colors of the labels.
Doing some quick calculations, a capsule measures approximately 55 millimeters in height, 93 in circumference, 29 in diameter. As a result, each capsule has a total surface area of approximately 58 square centimeters. If you multiply that surface area by the hundreds of millions produced every year in the world, you obtain a figure greater than one million square metres. of refusal. (source
So why continue with this useless frill, we understand that in the magic of opening a bottle engraving the capsule has its charm, but the capsules use highly polluting materials such as tin whose extraction from mines certainly cannot be considered ethical.
Why not give up a small aesthetic factor to perhaps focus more on the content, drinking responsibly is also this.
We believe in it and we have already abandoned the capsule on three of our typologies, discovering among other things that we are part of a global movement of producers who have already taken this path and this movement, needless to say, is defined by some as Topless Wine.
We hope that you too can share our choice.